Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Health Blog- Blogtalkradio

The first blog I listened to was a health blog that discussed "Fighting Weight Gain and Depression in a Recession." What I noticed first was that the host introduced herself well so that I could fully understand who she was and what certification she has. She is of Christian faith and talks with a viewpoint of God. She started off with a scripture from the Bible and related the rest of her talk to the reading. She assured listeners that she believed in you and does God and that the listener is not alone. She said that you could call in to chime in about your experiences where you might have been lost or thoughts about weight loss/gain, etc. She went into what feelings what might be associated with depression due to weight gain and the effects of weight gain.

This is a 'weekly, monthly, or whenever we get around to it' video segment on what they think is the latest and greatest on twitter. He introduced different users on Twitter- geeks, art re-makers, web junkies, etc. Each Twitter had a different niche and had thousands of followers on the social site.

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